ESOC Patch/Version history/8.x
From The ESOC wiki for Age of Empires 3
< ESOC Patch | Version history8.0.0.0
Balance changes
- Artillery Foundry cost reduced to 250w (from 300w); bounties adjusted to 25xp ('build', from 30xp) and 50xp ('kill', from 60xp)
- "Mass Cavalry" improvement cost reverted to 750c (from 600c)
- Trading Post minor native alliance trickle tweaked to 0.8xp per second (from 0.7xp per second)
- "Advanced Trading Post" shipment decreased to -40% Trading Post cost, +30% Trading post hitpoints and Trading Post attack-action enabled (from -40% Trading Post cost, +50% Trading post hitpoints and Trading Post attack-action enabled)
- Honcho The Pet Grizzly treasure-guardian and hero multipliers decreased from 3 and 1 to 1.2 and 0.5, respectively
- Incan Huaminca attack decreased from 15 to 14
- "Seminole Bowyer" improvement decreased from +25% archer attack to +20% archer attack
- +40% hero hitpoints (guarded by 3 Wolves) decreased to +20% hitpoints (guarded by 2 Wolves)
- +20% hero hitpoints (guarded by 2 Polar Bears) increased to +30% hero hitpoints [only spawns in team games, since EP7]
- "The Shaman" council increased by 1 War Hut Travois for Colonial, Industrial and Imperial Ages
- Puma Spearman "siege trooper" unit-tag removed
- Manor House "kill" bounty increased from 54xp to 81xp
- Rocket projectile velocity increased to 45 (from 30)
- Disciple train-time reverted to 11s (from 7s)
- "TEAM Improved Warships" shipment reverted to +15% (from +20%) attack & hitpoints
- "4 Hussars" shipment increased to 5 Hussars
- Zamburak ranged resistance reverted to 30% (from 20%)
- Mahout Lancer "heavy infantry" multiplier increased to 1 (from 0.5); "infantry" multiplier decreased to 1.5 (from 2); Mansabdar adjusted accordingly
- Sowar heavy infantry multiplier decreased to 0.57 (from 0.67); infantry multiplier increased from 1.5 to 1.75; "Desert Terror" shipment heavy infantry multiplier effects adjusted accordingly to -0.125 (from -0.17); Mansabdar adjusted accordingly
- "TEAM Chonindo" shipment no longer affects hunting or livestock gather-rates
- Spyglass cooldown decreased from 120s to 90s
- Cassador cost reduced to 75f, 35c (from 80f, 35c); bounties adjusted to 11xp (from 12xp)
- "11 Musketeers" shipment increased to 12 Musketeers
- "9 Halberdiers" shipment increased to 10 Halberdiers
- "20 Strelets" shipment decreased to 19 Strelets
- "12 Bison" shipment changed to "20 INFINITE Bison"; moved to Industrial (from Colonial) Age
- Teepee attack and hitpoints auras decreased from +10% to +8% each; gather-rate aura increased from +5% to +8%; hitpoints partially reverted to 450 (from 600)
- "Aggressive Policy" shipment gather-rate aura effect increased from +5% to +16%; moved to Industrial (from Colonial) Age; no longer increases Teepee aura ranges; renamed "Aggressive Expansion Policy"
- Town Center cost reduced to 400w (from 500w)
- 4 Villagers” shipment increased to 5 Villagers
- Tashunke Prowler cost reverted to 150f, 75c (from 125f, 75c); bounties adjusted to 23xp (from 20xp); hitpoints increased from 170 to 220
- Per-shipment experience points required decreased to 72% (from 75%)
- "Caballeros" shipment tweaked to +1 Lancer infantry multiplier & +1 Lancer range (from +1 Lancer infantry multiplier & +2 Lancer range)
Bug fixes
- Fixed a deck inspection glitch allowing players to discern which cards were sent by other players in the game.
- Planned (unstarted) building foundations are now only immune to damage from players who don't have Spies researched, and therefore cannot see them. [addresses an issue introduced on EP]
- Outdated/incorrect Consulate unit stats have been updated to reflect counterpart unit statistics, in the following cases:
- Zweihander hitpoints adjusted to 240 (from 230) [addresses an issue introduced on EP]
- Tufanci Corps hitpoints adjusted to 210 (from 235) [addresses an issue introduced on EP]
- Life Guard, Bashkir and Gardener ranged resistance adjusted to 0.2 (from 0.1)
- Siberian Cossack ranged resistance adjusted to 0.3 (from 0.1)
- Czapka 0.75 Villager multiplier removed; speed adjusted to 6.75 (from 6.5); hitpoints adjusted to 180 (from 190); ranged resistance adjusted to 0.3 (from 0.1)
- Carabineer hitpoints adjusted to 140 (from 222); siege attack damage set to 6 (from 10); hand attack damage set to 7 (from 11); ranged attack damage set to 14 (from 22)
- Besteiro inaccuracy removed; ranged attack damage adjusted to 16 (from 18); multipliers adjusted to x2 vs Light Cavalry & Eagle Runner Knight, x0.75 vs Cavalry & Coyoteman, x1.25 vs Heavy Infantry (from x1.5 vs Light Cavalry & Eagle Runner Knight)
- Prussian Needle Gunner and Roger's Ranger multipliers adjusted to x2 vs Light Cavalry & Eagle Runner Knight & Heavy Infantry, x0.75 vs Cavalry & Coyoteman (from x1.5 vs Light Cavalry & Eagle Runner Knight, x2 vs Heavy Infantry)
- Saloon Pirate now correctly snares/speedboosts and its speed is correctly halved in Cover mode.
- Catamaran now correctly uses its siege attack against ships, rather than using ineffective ranged attack.
- Chukonu no longer have reduced ranged attack accuracy in Stagger/Defend mode.
- Renegados and Thuggees now correctly display as semi-transparent when obscured by other units, based on the "Obscured Unit Alpha" game option.
- Fixed an issue preventing the percentage cost reductions granted by Mosque Construction and Old Ways from being applied. [addresses an issue introduced on EP]
- Fixed an issue preventing hotkeys for Mongolian and Black Flag armies from working. [addresses an issue introduced on EP]
- Team Cheap Barracks no longer grants the extra 400 coin crate from Spanish Gold twice. [addresses an issue introduced on EP]
- Teepee improved economic aura (activated by Aggressive Expansion Policy) no longer stacks intensity. [addresses an issue introduced on EP]
- Adjusted cost of 2 sentries (enabled by the Village Defense shipment) to 50f/50c (from 80f/80c), consistent with the cost of 2 irregulars.
- Fixed an issue preventing the Aztec Warchief Swashbuckler ability hotkey from working.
- Fixed an issue preventing the Indian Monks and Sioux Warchief from performing certain actions in Trample/Defend mode (build, pick up treasure, heal).
- Fixed an issue with certain techs being mis-flagged as unit upgrade techs (Abassid Market, Topkapi, Tanzimat, Rawhide Covers big button, Flaming Arrows big button, Cipatli big button) and therefore being affected by Zen Meritocracy and TEAM Cheap Unit Upgrades.
- Homecity-shipped Sohei outdated multipliers adjusted to same values as regular Sohei have.
- Nootka Warchief bounties recalculated from 20/20 to 30/30, per current unit cost.
- Outpost Wagon now builds Asian Outpost (Tower) instead of War Hut/Blockhouse for native civilizations and Russia. "Team Defenses" shipment no longer enables Outpost for all civilizations on the team (which effectively enabled Russian allies to build 7 Outposts).
- Fixed an issue with a number of techs awarding "fake" additional score when their effects already fully awarded the intended amount of score indirectly. (BigAztecRaidingParty, BigAztecScoutingParty, BigAztecWarParty, BigDockCipactli, BigFarmCinteotl, BigFarmStrawberry, BigHouseCoatlicue, BigIroquoisRaidingParty, BigIroquoisScoutingParty, BigIroquoisWarParty, BigLonghouseWoodlandDwellers, BigNoblesHutWarSong, BigPlantationMapleFestival, BigPlantationTezcatlipoca, BigSiouxDogSoldiers, BigWarHutBarometz, ChurchBashkirPonies, ChurchBlackWatch, ChurchGardeImperial1, ChurchGardeImperial2, ChurchKalmucks, ChurchPetrineReforms, ChurchQuatrefage, ChurchRogersRangers, ChurchStadholders, ChurchTopcuCorps, ChurchTowerAndSword, ChurchTufanciCorps, ChurchWaardgelders, ChurchWesternization, ChurchWildGeeseSpanish, ImpArtilleryRegiments, NatChocolateRecipes, NatDogSoldier, NatHuntingGrounds, NatMorningWars, NatSequoyahSyllabary, NatXPCheyenneHuntingGrounds, NatXPHuronTradeMonopoly, NatXPKlamathHuckleberryFeast, NatXPMapucheTreatyOfQuillin, NatXPZapotecCloudPeople, YPNatSufiPilgramage).
ESOC Patch map changes
- Introducing 6 new maps (you can find more information about them here):
- UIx ESOC Bering Strait
- UIx ESOC Dhaka
- UIx ESOC Fraser River
- UIx ESOC Nepal
- UIx ESOC Tuparro
- UIx ESOC Wabakimi
- "Tournament Maps" map-set updated to reflect EPL2 maps.
- "Standard Maps" map-set updated to include UIx ESOC Bering Strait, UIx ESOC Dhaka, UIx ESOC Manchac, UIx ESOC Nepal, UIx ESOC Tuparro, UIx ESOC Wabakimi.
- "ESOC Team Maps" and "Team Maps" map-sets updated to include UIx ESOC Bering Strait, UIx ESOC Dhaka, UIx ESOC Nepal, UIx ESOC Tuparro, UIx ESOC Wabakimi.
- UIx ESOC Lumaco: added minimap image for lobby screen.
Balance changes
- "British Allies" hitpoints bonus increased to +5.5% (from 5%)
- "Blunderbuss" improvement cost reduced to 75f (from 110f)
- "Eastern Medicine" and "Spirit Medicine" improvements cost reduced to 120f (from 150f)
- 110 wood (Spruce guarded by 2 White Tigers) decreased to 95w
- Arrow Knight ranged attack range decreased to 28 (from 30)
- "Dravidian Martial Arts" shipment effect increased to +15% all unit hand attacks damage and +15% Rajput hand attack damage (from +15% all unit hand attacks damage); description updated to "All hand attacks do more damage, but especially Rajputs’, +1 Villager."
- Sowar heavy infantry multiplier decreased to 0.5 (from 0.57); infantry multiplier increased from 1.75 to 2; "Desert Terror" shipment heavy infantry multiplier effects adjusted accordingly to -0.1 (from -0.125); Mansabdar adjusted accordingly
- Mahout Lancer "infantry" multiplier increased to 1.75 (from 1.5); Mansabdar adjusted accordingly
- Siege Elephant cost reduced to 300w, 350c (from 300w, 400c); line of sight increased to 36 (from 29); Mansabdar updated accordingly
- "2 Siege Elephants +1 Villager" shipment cost reduced to 350f (from 500f)
- "3 Siege Elephants +1 Villager" shipment cost reduced to 350f (from 600f)
- "Japanese Isolation" attack bonus increased to +5.5% (from 5%)
General changes
- Removed special decorations from main menu.
- Main menu art stylized for EP and resolution upscaled.
Bug fixes
- "20 INFINITE Bison" card now replaces the "12 Bison" card as originally intended, instead of the "9 Bison" card.
- "Japanese Isolation" attack bonus now affects Light Infantry units.
Map Pack installer
- Fixed an issue where the "compatible" versions of certain ESOC maps weren't functional since EP8.
- Fixed an issue preventing the EP custom maps folder from being shared with TAD/RE official custom maps folder. The fix is not retroactive and affects only new EP installations; if you would like to have your custom maps become shared, manually delete folder "RMF" under "Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3" and re-install EP using the latest installer (8.1 or higher).
Balance changes
- Consulate artillery units now receive +10% attack & hitpoints by default
- "British Allies" hitpoints bonus tweaked to +7% (from 5.5%)
- "Intervention" shipment increased to 5 "Zweihanders" (from 4) for "German Allies", 5 "Gardeners" (from 4) for "Ottoman Allies", 12 "Besteiros" (from 11) for "Portuguese Allies" and 12 Tercios (from 11) for "Spanish Allies"
- Trading Post minor native alliance trickle tweaked to 0.7xp per second (from 0.8xp per second)
- "Advanced Trading Post" shipment tweaked to -40% Trading Post cost, +20% Trading post hitpoints and Trading Post attack-action enabled (from -40% Trading Post cost, +30% Trading post hitpoints and Trading Post attack-action enabled)
- War Hut anti-ship attack inaccuracy removed
- 250 food (Cashews and Pears guarded by 4 Jaguars) decreased to 140f (guarded by 3 Jaguars)
- 180 coin (Turquoise Mask guarded by 3 Outlaw Blowgunners) tweaked to 160 coin
- 1 Pet Monkey (A Trapped Macaque unguarded) changed to 1 Pet Monkey (A Trapped Monkey guarded by 2 Snow Monkeys)
- 1 Llama (guarded by 2 Black Bears) changed to 1 Llama (guarded by 1 Black Bear)
- "The Shaman" council member +1 War Hut Travois for Industrial and Imperial ages reverted; Hut attack and hitpoints bonus decreased to 0% (from 10%) for Colonial, increased to 20% (from 10%) for Industrial, and to 30% (from 20%) for Imperial ages, respectively
- War Hut Travois build-rate decreased to 1.5 (from 2)
- Nobles’ Hut anti-ship attack inaccuracy removed
- Summer Palace Territorial Army train-time increased from 193s to 210s
- Per-shipment experience points required decreased to 106% (from 108%)
- House cost reverted to 80w (from 70w); bounties adjusted to 16xp ('build', from 14xp) and 32xp ('kill', from 28xp)
- Mahout Lancer "heavy infantry" multiplier reverted to 0.5 (from 1); "infantry" multiplier reverted to 2 (from 1.75); Mansabdar adjusted accordingly
- Siege Elephant line of sight tweaked to 34 (from 36); Mansabdar updated accordingly
- "Japanese Isolation" attack bonus increased to +7% (from 5.5%); units no longer receive +10% attack & hitpoints; description updated
- "Bushido Principles" improvement cost increased to 325xprt (from 250xprt)
- Yabusame attack reverted to 8 (from 9)
- War Club hand attack tweaked to 11 (from 12); siege attack increased to 30 (from 27)
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing the following Consulate units from receiving their first-in-line shadow upgrade: Carabineer, Kalmuck, Jinete, Roger's Ranger, Prussian Needle Gunner, Horse Artillery.
- Updated Unction description to feature correct Missionary count. [addresses an issue introduced on EP]
- Fixed a bug causing Skirmishers to be labeled as "Veteran" instead of "Guard" when starting in the Post-Industrial age as Dutch.
Map changes
- Unknown: map updated to Rikikipu's improved version (v2.6).
- UIx ESOC Tuparro: lightset and terrain adjusted to improve visibility.
- Changes to vividlyplain's maps detailed here.
- Updated minimap images for UIx ESOC Fraser River, UIx ESOC Nepal, UIx ESOC Bering Strait, UIx ESOC Dhaka, UIx ESOC Wabakimi.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a possible bug causing music to stop playing until it is re-enabled in game options.
Map changes
- Added new maps made by dansil92:
- UIx ESOC Cerrado
- UIx ESOC Guatemala
- UIx ESOC Nahanni
- UIx ESOC Yalu River
- UIx ESOC Zavkhan
- UIx ESOC Lumaco:
- Added 1 or 2 islands in the water with crates on them to promote water play.
- Added 3 berries / Removed 1 cherry orchard for Japan.
- Added Team and Koth support.
- Map added into the Team Maps set.
Map changes
- UIx ESOC Zavkhan: fixed a bug preventing the northern Trading Post socket from spawning, fixed buggy map edge on northeast.
- UIx ESOC Yalu River: players no longer start with Catamarans.
- Tournament Maps map-set updated to reflect iNcog's Empire Cup 2:
- No changes to the main patch.
Map changes
- UIx ESOC Yalu River: fixed issues with map spawn in observer mode (larger size, missing native socket).
Map changes
- Added new maps made by dansil92:
- UIx ESOC Chupat
- UIx ESOC Mississipi (supports Summer/Winter variation switch)
- UIx ESOC New Mexico
- UIx ESOC Viedma