ESOC Patch/Version history/7.x
From The ESOC wiki for Age of Empires 3
< ESOC Patch | Version historyContents
Balance changes
- Improvements that deliver "approximately 1 unit for every x minutes of game length, up to 30 minutes" now actually deliver 1 unit for every x minutes of game length, up to 30 minutes", resulting in intuitive and proportionate scaling (affects certain Aztec, Iroquois and Sioux 'big buttons', as well as several minor native improvements; descriptions updated accordingly)
- Before Colonial Age, rescued warriors (treasure rewards) now do 1/4 damage to heroes and villagers
- Outlaw Rifleman (treasure guardian) range and line of sight decreased from 18 and 20 to 15 and 17, respectively
- Pirate (treasure guardian) hitpoints decreased from 600 to 400
- 100c dynamic ("random") starting crate spawn removed (does not impact the 100f+100c spawn)
- Fortress Age councils and politicians (not wonders), except for "The Exiled Prince" and "The Messenger" research points decreased from 110 to 105
- Castle cost reduced from 250w, 100c to 250w, 50c (bounties adjusted accordingly)
- Native Embassy now available to Chinese, Indians, and Japanese
- Plantation cost reduced from 800w to 600w (bounties adjusted accordingly)
- Trading Posts at minor native settlements now grant a trickle of 0.7xp each;
- Starting Town Center building placement minimum range no longer applies to Trading Posts
- British Allies hitpoints bonus decreased from 10% to 5%
- Arsonist, Chakram, Grenadier and Young Garde "heavy infantry" tag removed
- Crossbowman inaccuracy removed
- Halberdier hand attack increased from 25 to 28; hand resistance increased from 10% to 20% (Russian Halberdiers adjusted accordingly)
- Spy hitpoints now increases by 25% in Fortress Age
- Jaeger cost increased from 180c to 200c (bounties adjusted accordingly)
- "Cavalry Cuirass" improvement cost reduced from 100w, 300c to 300c
- "Incendiary Grenades" improvement cost reduced from 400w, 300c to 250w, 250c
- "Infantry Breastplate" improvement cost reduced from 200w, 200c to 100w, 100c
- "Socket Bayonet" improvement cost reduced from 400w, 400c to 200w, 200c
- Medicine Man population cost reduced from 1 to 0
- Priest cost reduced from 200c to 150c (bounties adjusted accordingly)
Treasure changes (overview of treasure changes also available in spreadsheet format here)
- 2 Sheep (guarded by 1 Outlaw Rider & 1 Outlaw Rifleman) increased to 3 Sheep
- 60 food (Cranberries guarded by two Wolves) increased to 70 food
- 60 wood (Cottonwood guarded by three Wolves) increased to 75 wood
- 90 food (Squash guarded by two Wolves) decreased to 75 food
- 150xp (Sasquatch guarded by two Grizzly Bears) decreased to 130xp
- 110 wood (Tamarack guarded by three Cougars) decreased to 90 wood
- 150 wood (Redwood guarded by three Grizzly bears) decreased to 130 wood
- 1 Pet Tiger (guarded by 2 Rhinos) changed to 1 Pet Tiger (guarded by 2 Tigers)
- +10% infantry hitpoints (Guide to Healthy Living guarded by 5 Delinquent Thuggees) decreased to +5% infantry hitpoints
- +5 population cap & space (Cookbook guarded by 3 Tigers) changed to +5 population cap & space (guarded by 2 Tigers)
- 2 Water Buffaloes (guarded by 4 Tigers) increased to 4 Water Buffaloes
- 90 wood (Live Oak guarded by 2 Tigers) decreased to 80 wood
- 1 Pet Coyote (guarded by 3 Coyotes) changed to 1 Pet Coyote (guarded by 2 Coyotes)
- 2 Cows (guarded by 4 Cougars) changed to 2 Cows (guarded by 3 Cougars)
- 1 Settler (guarded by 4 Pirates) now only spawns in team games
- 2 War Dogs (guarded by 3 Alligators) changed to 1 War Dog (guarded by 2 Alligators)
- 70 wood (Mahogany guarded by 2 Jaguars) now only spawns outside of starting area(s)
- 120 coin (Moche Gold guarded by 2 Jaguars) decreased to 100 coin
- 220 coin (Turquoise Mask guarded by 3 Outlaw Blowgunners) decreased to 180 coin
- 30 wood (Balsa guarded by 1 Outlaw Blowgunner) increased to 40 wood
- 135 coin (Chocolate guarded by 2 Pirates) changed to 100 coin (guarded by 1 Outlaw Blowgunner & 1 Pirate)
- 105 coin (Indigo guarded by 2 Alligators) decreased to 90 coin
- 120 coin (Jade Skull guarded by 2 Jaguars & 1 Outlaw Blowgunner) increased to 135 coin
- 60 food (Crawdads guarded by 2 Alligators) increased to 80 food
- 1 Pet Jaguar (guarded by 3 Jaguars) changed to 1 Pet Jaguar (guarded by 2 Jaguars)
- +20% hero hitpoints (guarded by 3 Jaguars) changed to +20% hero hitpoints (guarded by 2 Jaguars
- 30 coin (Cochineal guarded by 1 Cougar) increased to 40 coin
- +30% hero hitpoints (guarded by 3 Grizzly Bears) changed to +30% hero hitpoints (guarded by 2 Grizzly Bears)
- 1 Pet Cougar (guarded by 3 Cougars) changed to 1 Pet Cougar (guarded by 2 Cougars)
- 1 Native Scout (guarded by 1 Grizzly Bear) changed to 1 Native Scout (guarded by 2 Cougars)
- 1 Surgeon (guarded by 4 Cougars) changed to 1 Surgeon (guarded by 3 Cougars)
- 1 Medicine Man (guarded by 4 Cougars) changed to 1 Medicine Man (guarded by 2 Cougars)
- 150 coin (Tin guarded by 3 Wolves) decreased to 110 coin
- 10 coin (Muskrats unguarded) increased to 20 coin
- 1 Cow (guarded by 3 Coyotes) changed to 1 Cow (guarded by 2 Coyotes)
- 130 food (Sunflowers guarded by 2 Coyotes & 1 Outlaw Rider) decreased to 110 food
- 210xp (Ferret guarded by 3 Outlaw Riders) now spawns less frequently
- +30% hero hitpoints (guarded by 4 Wolves) changed to +30% hero hitpoints (guarded by 3 Wolves)
- 1 Coureur des Bois (guarded by 4 Grizzly Bears) changed to 1 Coureur des Bois (guarded by 3 Grizzly Bears)
- +25% target unit speed (Boots guarded by 2 Outlaw Riders & 2 Outlaw Riflemen) decreased to +10% unit speed; now only spawns in team games
- 1 Coureur des Bois (guarded by 3 Outlaw Riflemen) now only spawns in team games
- 1 Pet Grizzly Bear (guarded by 3 Grizzly Bears) changed to 1 Pet Grizzly Bear (guarded by 2 Grizzly Bears)
- 1 Cow (guarded by 2 Wolves) changed to 2 Cows (guarded by 3 Wolves)
- 2 Cows (guarded by 2 Pirates) increased to 3 Cows; now only spawns in team games
- 1 Settler (guarded by 3 Polar Bears) now only spawns in team games
- 1 Pet Polar Bear (guarded by 3 Polar Bears) changed to 1 Pet Polar Bear (guarded by 2 Polar Bears)
- 125 wood (Spruce guarded by 2 Polar Bears) decreased to 110 wood
- 40 wood (Aspen guarded by 1 Polar Bear) increased to 50 wood
- +20% hero hitpoints (guarded by 2 Polar Bears) now only spawns in team games
- 1 Native Scout (guarded by 1 Polar Bear) changed to 1 Native Scout (guarded by 2 Wolves)
- 150 food (Ptarmigan guarded by 2 Polar Bears) decreased to 120 food
- 160xp (Journal guarded by 2 Polar Bears) decreased to 130xp
- 60 wood (Tamarack guarded by 3 Wolves) increased to 75 wood
- 2 Coureurs des Bois (guarded by 3 Outlaw Riflemen & 2 Outlaw Pistoleros) now only spawns in team games
- 1 Pet Wolf (guarded by 3 Wolves) changed to 1 Pet Wolf (guarded by 2 Wolves)
- 80 food (Saskatoon guarded by 2 Outlaw Riflemen) increased to 100 food
- 1 Pet Rhino (guarded by 5 Black Panthers) changed to 1 Pet Rhino (guarded by 3 Black Panthers)
- Increased ship line of sight (Farseer guarded by 2 Black Panthers) now only spawns in team games
- 110 wood (Live Oak guarded by 3 Alligators) decreased to 95 wood
- +40% hero hitpoints (guarded by 6 Cougars) changed to +40% hero hitpoints (guarded by 3 Cougars)
- 20 wood (Palmettos guarded by 1 Alligator) increased to 30 wood
- 235 coin (Chest of Pirate gold guarded by 3 Pirates) now only spawns in team games
- 2 Settlers (guarded by 2 Outlaw Pistoleros & 3 Pirates) now only spawns in team games
- 1 Settler (guarded by 3 Black Bears) changed to 1 Settler (guarded by 4 Black Bears)
- 2 War Dogs (guarded by 3 Black Bears) changed to 1 War Dog (guarded by 2 Black Bears)
- 1 Pet Black Bear (guarded by 3 Black Bears) changed to 1 Pet Black Bear (guarded by 2 Black Bears)
- +40% hero hitpoints (guarded by 4 Wolves) changed to +40% hero hitpoints (guarded by 3 Wolves)
- 1 Llama (guarded by 2 Wolves) increased to 2 Llamas
- 2 Llamas (guarded by 1 Outlaw Rider & 1 Outlaw Rifleman) increased to 3 Llamas
- 2 Llamas (guarded by 3 Pirates) increased to 4 Llamas; now only spawns in team games
- 60 food (Tomatoes guarded by 1 Outlaw Blowgunner) decreased to 45 food
- 375xp (Rutters guarded by 5 Pirates) now only spawns in team games
- 1 Settler (guarded by 4 Outlaw Blowgunners) now only spawns in team games
- 1 Inca Huaminca (guarded by 2 Outlaw Blowgunners) now spawns less frequently
- 120xp (Porcupines guarded by 3 Wolves) decreased to 100xp
- 1 Coureur des Bois (guarded by 4 Wolves) changed to 1 Coureur des Bois (guarded by 5 Wolves)
- 25 wood (Sandalwood guarded by 1 Monitor Lizard) increased to 35 wood
- 165 coin (Vanilla guarded by 2 Outlaw Riders) decreased to 130 coin
- 70 food (Potatoes guarded by 3 Cougars) increased to 100f
- 50 wood (Cottonwood guarded by 3 Coyotes) increased to 65 wood
- 1 Settler (guarded by 5 Coyotes) changed to 1 Settler (guarded by 6 Coyotes)
- +10% cavalry hitpoints (Guide to Proper Discipline guarded by 5 Mongol Riders) decreased to +5% cavalry hitpoints
- +50% Coyoteman and Heavy cavalry damage to villagers (Barbed Spear guarded by 5 Mongol Riders) decreased to +25% Coyoteman and Heavy cavalry damage to villagers
- Stable Wagon (Construction Team guarded by 3 Mongol Riders) changed to Stable Wagon (Construction Team guarded by 4 Mongol Riders)
- -10% cavalry train-time (Feed Bag guarded by 2 Mongol Riders) increased (nerfed) to -5% cavalry train time; now only spawns in team games on Thar Desert, and less frequently on Manchuria
- 30 food (Plums guarded by 1 Lion) increased to 45 food
- 50 wood (Aspen guarded by 1 Lion) decreased to 40 wood
- 60 food (Eggplant guarded by 2 Black Panthers) increased to 75 food
- 80xp (Ferret guarded by 3 Snow Leopards) increased to 120xp
- 35 food (Barley guarded by 2 Tibetan Macaques) increased to 45 food
- 50 wood (Aspen guarded by 1 Tiger) decreased to 40 wood
- 35 coin (Jasmine guarded by 2 Tibetan Macaques) increased to 45 coin
- 1 Pet Monkey (unguarded) now always and only spawns in every starting area
- 40xp (Curious Macaque guarded by 2 Tibetan Macaques) increased to 50xp
- 5 Pet Macaques (Family of Monkeys guarded by 2 Masterless Samurai) now only spawns in team games
- +30% hero hitpoints (guarded by 1 Masterless Samurai & 1 Mongol Rider) changed to +30% hero hitpoints (guarded by 2 Tigers)
- 195 food (Wild Mizuna guarded by 10 Tibetan Macaques) changed to 105 food (guarded by 5 Tibetan Macaques)
- 5% coin discount (Bankbook guarded by 3 Fugitive Dacoit & 1 Tibetan Macaque) changed to 5% coin discount (guarded by 4 Fugitive Dacoits & 1 Tibetan Macaque); now only spawns in team games
- 5% food discount (Scurvy Prevention Methods guarded by 3 Pandas & 1 Tibetan Macaque) changed to 5% food discount (guarded by 4 Pandas & 1 Tibetan Macaque)
- 50 coin (Rubber guarded by 3 Black Panthers) increased to 130 coin
- War Chief cover mode readded
- Puma Spearman hand attack light infantry multiplier increased from 3 to 3.5
- "5 Coyote Runners" shipment increased to 6 Coyote Runners
- Temple of Xipe Totec shipment now also increases Coyote Runner ranged resistance from 10% to 20%
- Temple of Centeotl shipment now also grants the Macehualtin +2 line of sight and range
- Eagle Runner Knight speed increased from 6 to 6.5; ranged resistance decreased from 30% to 20%
- Jaguar Prowl Knight hand attack increased from 18 to 20; hitpoints increased from 230 to 240
- Great Temple of Quetzalcoatl Support shipment cost reduced from 2000c to 1500c ("Religious Unity" shipment adjusted accordingly)
- Arrow Knight population cost reduced from 2 to 1; speed increased from 3.75 to 4
- Skull Knight hitpoints increased from 300 to 320
- Great Temple of Huitzilopochtli shipment cost reduced from 2000c to 1500c ("Religious Unity" shipment adjusted accordingly)
- Manor cost reduced from 140w to 135w (bounties adjusted accordingly)
- "Guard Longbowmen" and "Imperial Longbowmen" improvements set to available, by default; "Yeomen" shipment updated accordingly
- Rocket train-time decreased from 98s to 90s
- 100w removed from starting crates; dynamic ("random") starting crates added
- Shaolin Master cover mode readded; passive-aggressive abilities chance no longer increases to 30% (from 20%) when reaching Colonial Age
- "Old Han Reforms" shipment now includes Keshiks and Steppe Riders; renamed "Old Dynasty Reforms"
- Keshik obstruction radius decreased from 0.79 to 0.65
- "Mongolian" banner-army changed from 3 Keshiks and 3 Hand Mortars to 2 Keshiks and 2 Steppe Riders; cost changed from 495f, 270w to 230f, 170c; train-points decreased from 30 to 25; moved from Fortress to Colonial Age and from Castle to War Academy; description and Summer Palace updated accordingly
- Steppe Rider speed increased from 6.75 to 7.25; obstruction radius decreased from 0.79 to 0.65
- "Black Flag" banner-army changed from 3 Arquebusiers and 1 Flamethrower to 4 Changdao Swordsmen and 2 Meteor Hammers; cost changed from 170w, 425c to 380f, 350c; train-points decreased from 40 to 33; moved from Castle to War Academy; description and Summer Palace updated accordingly
- Envoy train points decreased from 30 to 15
- "Tulip Speculation" shipment increased from +15% to +20% Bank coin trickle
- "Team Infantry Hitpoints" shipment reduced from +15% to +10% infantry hitpoints for non-Dutch allies
- Coureur Des Bois cost reduced from 125f to 120f
- "TEAM Early Skirmishers" shipment no longer moves Black Flag banner-army from Fortress to Colonial Age; Now moves Imperial and Territorial banner-armies from Fortress to Colonial Age
- Per-shipment xp required increased from 110% to 112%
- Settler Wagon ranged attack huntable multiplier increased from 4 to 5.75
- "Team Cavalry Attack" shipment reduced from +15% to +10% cavalry attackts for non-German allies
- "Hire Hessian Jaegers" shipment decreased from 13 to 12 Jaegers
- Brahmin Monk Stomp passive ability moved from Discovery to Colonial Age
- Taj Mahal "Cease Fire" ability duration decreased from 20 to 15 seconds; now also halves all military unit speed
- Ottoman Allies bonus (+10 line-of-sight) no longer applies to buildings; "Levy" improvement cost increased from 200xprt to 250xprt
- Flail Elephant hand attack increased from 5 to 10; population cost reduced from 4 to 3; Mansabdar updated accordingly
- Rajput siege attack increased from 20 to 25; speed increased from 5 to 5.5; Mansabdar updated accordingly
- War Chief hitpoints aura decreased from 15% to 10%
- "Crates of 200 Food, 100 Wood, and 100 Coin" INFINITE shipment decreased to 100f, 100w, 100c
- Siege Workshop cost reduced from 300w to 200w (bounties adjusted accordingly)
- Samurai hand attack increased from 25 to 28
- Yabusame ranged attack increased from 8 to 9
- "Koprulu Viziers" improvement moved from Colonial to Discovery Age
- "Tanzimat" improvement moved from Industrial to Fortress Age
- Imam heal-rate increased from 10 to 20 hitpoints per second
- Spahi ranged resistance increased from 10% to 20%
- Great Bombard train-time decreased from 115s to 100s
- Abus Gun artillery multipliers decreased from 0.75 to 0.5"Veteran Abus Guns" improvement +2 line of sight and range reduced to +1 line of sight and range; "Guard Abus Guns" improvement now also grants +1 line of sight and range
- 100f added to starting crates
- Berry and hunting gather-rates increased by 5%
- Settler cost increased from 85f to 100f
- "Besteiros" improvement cost reduced from 2400w to 2000w
- "Gunpowder Infantry Attack" shipment moved from Industrial to Colonial Age
- "TEAM Gunpowder Infantry Hitpoints" shipment moved from Industrial to Fortress Age
- Cassador ranged attack "rate-of-fire" increased (nerfed) from 3.0 to 4.5; ranged attack increased from 17 to 25
- Organ Gun train-points decreased from 45 to 40; unpacked (“limber)” mode speed increased from 1.6 to 2.4; unpacking time decreased from 2 to 1 seconds
- Musketeer batch cost increased from 270f, 90c to 285f, 95c
- Teepee gather-rate aura increased from 3% to 5%; no longer stacks; range decreased from 24 to 18
- Teepee hitpoints aura increased from 7% to 10%
- "Aggressive Expansion" shipment increased from +2% to +5% Teepee gather-rate aura; now also increases all Teepee auras' range from 18 to 24
- "4 Villagers" shipment added
- Brand new "5 Villagers" shipment added to Colonial Age removed
- "Great Hunter" shipment increased from +20% to +25% berry and hunting gather-rates
- "Adoption" shipment increased from -25% to -40% Villager train-time
- War Chief ranged resistance increase from 10% to 30% moved from Fortress to Colonial Age
- War Club hand attack increased from 10 to 12
- Tashunke Prowler cost reduced from 150f, 75c to 125f, 75c (bounties adjusted accordingly); attack and hitpoints now increase by 20% in Industrial Age, and by 30% in Imperial Age
- Rifle Rider cost reduced from 120f, 100c to 120f, 90c (bounties adjusted accordingly)
- "Unction" shipment attack aura increased from +4% to +5% attack, per Missionary; now grants 1 Missionary
- "Caballeros" shipment changed from +1 hand attack infantry multiplier to +1 hand attack infantry multiplier and +2 hand attack range for Lancers
General features
- Implemented new option in graphics settings for toggling high-detail cliffs independently from other high-poly models. As detailed cliffs are particularly known to cause significant frame-rate drops in certain cases, this option allows you reduce their impact on performance without giving up the quality of other high-poly models in the game.
- A multiplayer game room host may now select a "Map Variant" to specify whether to spawn Summer/Winter variant of a map (only applicable to certain maps, as detailed below).
Bug fixes
- Other players can no longer see if "2x" shipments have been sent, via deck inspection.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to reset unit rate-of-fire by canceling an activated ability. Monitors will no longer utilize charged actions, which were used to alleviate the issue.
- Fixed a bug where "knocked out" hero units would enter into an invalid stance state upon waking up ("cover mode bug"). Such units will now correctly remain in the same stance they were in before being knocked out.
- The Aztec Heal Dance no longer affects "knocked out" War Chiefs.
- Fixed an issue where Stun abilities would fail to activate when their target was no longer in range before the Stun animation had finished. Stun abilities will now acquire "target lock" once the Stun animation begins, similarly to other attacks in the game.
- Fixed a bug where wagon builder units were able to speed up construction of buildings started by other kinds of units. Wagon builders can now only be tasked to their own placed foundation.
- Fixed a bug where resource gatherers would sometimes obtain resources twice for a single gather action. Backported more reliable gathering implementation from AoEO, which isn't animation-based.
- Fixed a bug causing Tashunke Prowlers to lose trample/stealth negative speed modifiers at random.
- The Diplomacy button can no longer overlay the Objectives button (Objectives has higher priority).
- Damage bonus multipliers with 2 decimal places now display their real value, instead of being rounded to 1 decimal place.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from hosting Deathmatch games.
- German Consulate passive effect changed to -20% banner-army food cost; this fixes a bug where German Consulate would cause trained banner-armies to "refund" resources to the player, due to the armies having negative costs.
- Stagecoach & Iron Horse shared LoS fully enabled for all six expansion civilizations (previously only available to The Warchiefs civilizations in Campaign or when a match was started in the Post-Industrial/Post-Imperial Age).
- "TEAM Early Dragoons" home-city shipment no longer enables German War Wagons, Aztec Eagle Runner Knights and Nobles' Hut. [revert]
- Bonus effects granted by minor native alliances will no longer persist after the alliance has been broken. This affects the granted unique ship (Canoe / Wokou Junk / Catamaran), as well as certain home-city shipments (Native Treaties, Native Crafts).
- Monasteries now train the same mercenary units as the Saloon, instead of "repentant" versions of the units. This effectively solves all remaining inconsistencies/errors in "repentant" unit stats, and prevents confusion. Existing Monastery hotkeys remain functional and do not need to be remapped.
- Changdao cover mode attack standardized to deal half the damage of regular attack.
- Indian Monks now have the previously missing AbstractElephant tag.
- Comanche Trade Language now affects Wonder costs.
- Any Chinese villagers can now rebuild the Blockhouse granted by Russian Consulate, as opposed to only rescued villagers.
- "Old Ways" shipment now decreases the cost of Founder big button tech by 50%, instead of greatly increasing its cost in error.
- Fixed shipment arrival message of Indian Distributivism misleadingly referring to the card as Agrarianism.
- Recalculated Monastery XP bounties to correct values (45/90 from 20/40).
- Admiralty now correctly affects the European version of Imperial Men-o'-War upgrade.
- Corrected references to Crossbows/Longbows in texts (-> Crossbowmen/Longbowmen).
- Fixed an inconsistency where the second Chinese Monk's Stun ability had different ranges than the initial Chinese Monk's Stun ability.
- Added proper garrison UI for Fishing Boats.
- Adjusted some mixed crate shipments to deliver large crates when possible.
- Fixed an issue preventing Navajo Weaving's effects from being interpreted on the effect details UI.
- Banner-army descriptions updated for accuracy and consistency.
- Garrochista Lancer unique model/art now activates upon researching the Garrochistas upgrade.
Map changes
- Added new map-set "Tournament Maps", containing the ESOC Winter Championship 2020 map pool; UIx ESOC Arizona, UIx ESOC Arkansas, UIx ESOC Baja California, UIx ESOC Colorado, UIx ESOC Florida, UIx ESOC Hudson Bay, UIx ESOC Manchac, UIx ESOC Mendocino, UIx New England.
- The following maps now react to the new "Map Variant" option (Winter/Summer): Araucania, Great Lakes, UIx ESOC Hudson Bay, UIx ESOC Kamchatka.
- The following maps now react to the new "Map Variant" option, but will spawn in Winter variant only when that variant is specifically selected: UIx ESOC Fertile Crescent, UIx ESOC Florida, UIx ESOC Mendocino, UIx ESOC Pampas Sierras.
- UIx ESOC Lumaco: added new map.
- UIx ESOC Herald Island: changed terrain type to fix bright issues, added buildable terrain type on top of the map, disabled docks.
- UIx ESOC Mendocino: reduced TC distance between members of each team.
- UIx ESOC Manchac: added land terrain on top of TCs.
- UIx ESOC Iowa: revamped entire map, removed lakes.
- UIx ESOC Wadmalaw: remove cliffs, should smooth the map flow.
- UIx ESOC Tassili: changed map design a bit.
- UIx ESOC Thar Desert: added more starting trees, made them and the starting mine closer to the TC.
- UIx ESOC Kamchatka: starting treasure is now always a free macaque, slightly increased number of treasures on map.
- UIx ESOC Tibet: starting treasure is now always a free macaque.
Observer Mode
- Observers can now see a rough unit path when selecting a unit which is heading somewhere.
- Observers can see economic/military gather points of any player's buildings
- Fixed an issue where fonts on the integrated Aizamk's Spectator UI wouldn't render correctly unless the standalone version of the UI was previously installed on the computer at some point.
- An error message is now displayed to observers running on an unsupported resolution.
Multiplayer save/restore
- Fixed an issue in restored game rooms that prevented the host from seeing AI players and being able to ready them up, in order to start the game.
- AI players in restored game rooms are now ready by default.
- Fixed an issue where the observer interface wouldn't show up in restored games.
- Fixed an issue that caused all players in a restored game to gain control groups of whichever player created the savegame file. All players will now always start without control groups.
- Fixed an issue where certain game options could be "inherited" from whichever player created the savegame file. Game options will now be automatically reloaded upon launching into a restored game. Known issue: in some cases, this may cause your game resolution to change.
- Added multi-language support (incomplete; French & Portuguese).
- Added an option to not automatically close EP Launcher when the game starts.
Bug fixes
- Pet Grizzly Bear treasure is now guarded by 2 Grizzly Bears as intended (previously guarded by 3 Grizzly Bears).
Map changes
- Corrected the "Tournament Maps" map-set by replacing Baja California with Bonnie Springs.
- Fixed a minor issue in the description of "Team Maps" map-set, where "Himalayas Upper" was missing the UIx prefix.
Observer Mode
- Fixed an issue where visibility of economic/military gather point paths of buildings would persist through different matches in the same game session, even when the player was no longer an observer.
- Fixed an issue where the unsupported resolution warning would persist through matches in the same game session indefinitely, even when the player was no longer an observer or adjusted their resolution to a supported one.
Balance changes
- Before Colonial Age, rescued warriors (treasure rewards) now do 1/2 damage to heroes and villagers [partial revert]
- Stagecoach (unit) line of sight decreased from 15 to 5
- Eagle Runner Knight ranged resistance increased to 30% (from 20%) [revert]; speed decreased to 6.0 (from 6.5) [revert]
- Village cost reduced from 200w to 190w; bounties adjusted accordingly
- Imperial Army train-time decreased from 33s to 29s
- Mongolian Army moved from War Academy to Castle; removed from Summer Palace [revert]
- Black Flag Army moved from War Academy to Castle; removed from Summer Palace [revert]
- Taj Mahal "Cease Fire" ability no longer halves all military unit speed; instead decreases user's military unit speed by 15% for its duration
- "Mosque Construction" shipment changed from -33% to -60% unique Mosque improvement cost
- Organ Gun packing time decreased from 2s to 1.5s; unpacking time increased from 1s to 1.5s
- Missionary hitpoints decreased to 200 (from 300)
Bug fixes
- Planned (unstarted) building foundations are now immune to damage.
- Building LoS is no longer reduced upon breaking relations with Ottoman Allies. [addresses an issue introduced on EP]
- Updated descriptions of Ottoman/British Consulate Allies to reflect current state. [addresses an issue introduced on EP]
- Iroquois Siege Workshop reduced cost is no longer applied the European Artillery Foundry. [addresses an issue introduced on EP]
- Fixed unit count displayed on Unction card to 1. [addresses an issue introduced on EP]
- Corrected the number of crates delivered by Klamath Huckleberry Feast improvement to 1 crate per 3 minutes game time (down from 1 per 2 minutes). [addresses an issue introduced on EP]
Multiplayer save/restore
- Improved options reload upon match start; no longer flashes the Options screen for a split second.