Wall hitpoints decreased to 1500 (down from 3000).
Bastion improvement effect changed to give 300% wall hitpoints increase (up from 150%).
Wall line of sight decreased to 1.
Elmeti, Mamelukes and Li’l Bombards are now unavailable to train in the Fortress Age.
Hire Egyptian Mamelukes home-city shipment effect changed to give 4 Mamelukes (down from 5).
Monitors cost decreased to 600 wood and 200 coin (down from 800 wood and 200 coin); Long-range Attack ability range decreased to 70 (down from 100) and increased cooldown time to 1 minute 30 seconds (up from 1 minute).
Bank experience-points bounties increased to 110 XP (up from 70 XP) — “Build” — and to 220 XP (up from 140 XP) — “Kill”.
Bank base build-limit increased to 6 (up from 4).
Bank of Rotterdam and Bank of Amsterdam home-city shipments effects changed from +1 bank limit to +20% bank gather rate.
Bank of Rotterdam and Bank of Amsterdam home-city shipments effects changed to increase Bank production-rate by 20% each instead of increasing their build-limit.
100 food added to starting crates.
200 wood removed from starting crates.
Aenna cost increased to 110 food (up from 100 food).
War Chief hitpoints-aura effect decreased to 10% (down from 15%).
TEAM Silk Road home-city shipment moved to the Discovery Age (from the Colonial Age); effect increased to 25% (up from 15%); team effect removed.
Abus gun reload time increased to 3.5 seconds (up from 3 seconds).
Veteran Abus Gun improvement effect changed to also give +2 range.
Mosque cost increased to 150 wood (up from 100 wood); XP income increased to 0.7 XP/second (up from 0.4 XP/second).
Janissary hitpoints decreased to 225 (down from 235).
Settler cost decreased to 80 food (down from 100 food).
100 food removed from starting crates.
Bow Rider hitpoints decreased to 220 (down from 250).
Cetan Bow hitpoints increased to 100 (up from 90) and speed increased to 4.5 (up from 4).
3 Lancers home-city shipment effect changed to give 4 Lancers.
5 Rodeleros home-city shipment effect changed to give 6 Rodeleros.
6 Rodeleros home-city shipment effect changed to give 7 Rodeleros.
8 Rodeleros home-city shipment effect changed to give 9 Rodeleros.
Changes to ESOC Arizona
Fixed version number echoed by recorded games
Improved launcher stability
Allowed some popular hotkey mods by re-writing most of the anti-cheat engine
The current patch version is now viewable in Help and Tools -> About
A "record game by default" option is now available
Launcher now runs as administrator to prevent technical issues while updating
Fixed progress bar filling incorrectly during updates that made it appear as if it might be stuck
The version number as appears in the Uninstall menu of the control panel will now update with future updates
Improved launcher stability
Fixed Silk Road failing to load from the Team Maps map set.
Pampas Sierras is now team-ready and appears in Team Maps set
Fixed anti-cheat mechanisms
Improved anti-cheat performance to help prevent lag
Minor updates to the anti-cheat mechanisms to make them more secure
Fixed launcher crashing after using the "launch" button instead of waiting for the countdown
The common error "Failed to initialize COM" has been fixed
Installer will no longer let users install in the wrong directory, which is the most common cause of the "[rockalldll/granny2/etc].dll" is missing error
Installer will no longer try to install Visual C++ if it is already installed
Installer will now remove old installations before installing
New England: improved resource distribution and fixed bug where island didn’t always place
Patagonia: sea shape and size improved slightly, tweaked herd’s animal counts, and improved second mine placement
Additional cheats are now detected
Additional cheats are now detected
Fixed most issues with false positives in 1.00.4
Kamchatka is now available for all game configurations (team and FFA).
Variations of moesbar hack (Lazerbear hacks) are now detected better
Detection of Third Party Map Hack / OOS Tools
User experience
TAD user interface added to launcher
Show FPS and Skip Intro Cinematic features added
Quick links to get support and see errors with Patch
One clean menu for launcher options
Repair feature for bugged temporary game files
Treasure updates on multiple maps
Team game support added for ESOC Maps
California removed from standard maps (temporary, working out problems with this map)
Team map set
Added ESOC Manchuria
Added ESOC High Plains
Added ESOC Hudson Bay
Added ESOC Kamchatka
Added ESOC Tibet
Removed Saguenay (Hudson fills this slot now)
ESOC maps
Fixed map description for rated play
All maps are now playable in team / ffa.
ESOC Arkansas: fixed mine amount
ESOC Arkansas: fixed treasure amount and level
ESOC High Plains: adjusted resource distribution and treasures
ESOC Hudson Bay: adjusted map layout and treasures
ESOC Kamchatka: suspended new layout for the time being
ESOC Kamchatka: fixed treasure amount
ESOC Kamchatka: unlocked season switch on Kamchatka (forgot)
ESOC Manchuria: added more variations to the extra mines spawn
ESOC Manchuria: moved the paired yaks to the mid line instead of the north area
ESOC Manchuria: fixed mine placement for Manchuria team
ESOC Tibet: fixed trade routes and res placement
RE maps
New England: improved the distribution of the extra mines
New England: improved the spawn of whales
New England: improved the distribution of sheep
New England: removed extra lakes present in the team spawn
Patagonia: fixed 2nd deer spawn
Patagonia: improved the distribution of sheep
Siberia: placed the starting animals closer to TC
Yukon: pushed the 2nd mine a bit away from TC
Cinematic skip works now
Annoying game.con issues are gone (Now building rotator works)
New layer of anti-cheat added (No promises here, pretty small adjustment overall)
Reverted treasures largely to the original set. A few maps maintained a small number of slightly larger treasures. Overall spawns should feel better now.
Fixed a hole in the anti cheat
Fixed an issue that detects some special hotkeys as suspicious behavior
Fixed an issue that detects random .bar (fonts.bar, data.bar ...) as suspicious behavior
Visual C++ 2013 instead of 2015. This will fix issues with older OS, principally Windows 7 without SP1, which is the most frequent
Added Building Rotator as an option
Added Multi-Language (More Information soon)
Some improvements & bugs fixes
Improved installer
Added mapsets images
Seven new maps added to the mappool: Bonnie Springs, Colorado, Klondike, Manchac, Mendocino, Tassili and Adirondacks.
Colorado, Klondike, Mendochino, Tassili, Adirondacks and Manchac added to the team maps set.
Tibet removed from the team maps set.
The new maps have all been added to the ESOC maps set.
K&B maps added to the patch in a seperate set.
Fixed an issue that caused the launcher to crash upon starting
Fixed an issue where the launcher would crash after clicking on 'options'
Fixed an issue where playing on K&B maps would reset all your settings